Review of the book "Dear Nemat"

Narration of the Life of Soqra Bustak, a Paramedic at the Martyr Kalantari Hospital in Andimeshk

Compiled by: Fereydoun Heydari Molkmian
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Samaneh Nikdel has done the research and compilation of the book "Dear Nemat" for the Oral History Unit of the Cultural Front of the Islamic Revolution Studies Office that its first edition was published in 2020 by Rahyar Publications in 208 pages and 1000 copies at a price of 25,000 Tomans.

■About the book

The book "Dear Nemat" begins with a short note from Mrs. Soqra Bustak in the form of appreciation of the efforts and works of Oral History Office of martyr Javad Zivodari Andimeshk and dedication to all the wives of martyrs and veterans. Then, there is a preface of the publisher, followed by the introduction of the researcher and editor of the book, which talks about how to conduct interviews and research and editing from the beginning in March 2014 to the end of it in March 2019.

The book consists of eight chapters and the number of each chapter is unusually marked with both numbers and letters whereas using one of these methods can be enough.

In the following, it should be sated that significant pages are dedicated to documents and images that complete the text of the narration in a documented and illustrated way.

■A narrative and a life

In the preface of the book, it is mentioned that the formation of the cultural activity, simultaneously with the early years of the Islamic Revolution, played a major role in advancing the goals of the revolution. Mosques and religious schools, shrines, delegations, Islamic associations and Qur'anic meetings were all major factors in the revolution, and it can be said that the revolution took place through educating and encouraging the masses to participate in marches and demonstrations through such institutions. This presence became even more prominent after the victory of the revolution and during the time of the sacred defense, and in the literacy movement to reduce illiteracy rate, in the constructive jihad to eradicate oppression and poverty, in schools and educational strongholds to nurture future generations, and manifested itself more prominently in the rear assistance during the sacred defense.

On the other hand, as the researcher and compiler of the book mentioned in the introduction, Khuzestan is known more for its operational areas than for its supporting role. Hence, the story of the resistance of its people has not yet been told as much as possible, and many narratives of revolution and war have been overlooked. Of course, it has been started to work on some of these stories and narrations and it reached the stage of recording and publishing, such as "Dear Nemat" which is the story of a revolutionary woman from the Khuzestan region whose activities have been begun before the revolution until the years after the revolution.

Soqra Bustak begins the story of his life almost from when he was just a child and her father, especially on the nights of Muharram, used to tell them about Imam Hussein (PBUH) and cry during the nights. Her father was a worker of the Andimeshk Water and Electricity Organization and was in charge of Anbar. He did not have much salary. However, every year as Muharram approached, they would install black flags around the yard with their uncles and neighbors. Their house had seven or eight large rooms with thatched walls and wooden doors, and Uncle Khalil and Omar Rahim lived there with their wives and children. After all, their house was full of guests a day or two before Tasua (the ninth day of the month of Muharram). Many people also came to help in making the vows, and ... it is a climate in which he grows up with his siblings. Until the sound of the revolution could be heard and the people start protesting and marching against the imperial regime. Soqra also eagerly joins the group of revolutionaries and the flood of people.

Well, the revolution will finally win and he is determined to serve the revolution as much as possible. Less than two or three months after the victory of the Revolution, one morning she wore her headscarf and chador and went to the Andimeshk Foundation for the Underprivileged, which had just been formed, to announce that she was the first woman to agree to her request. She was responsible to identify poor families in neighborhoods and towns and villages around the city. Gradually other female colleagues joined her. As she also liked to be a teacher, she registers in the movement. She goes through a ten-day training course. She is scheduled to start teaching in the new academic year.

September was not still ended; there were whispers of war. Along with other sisters who were friends and colleagues, she supposed to take combat and physical training courses with the help and assistance of some brothers, and then go to Do Kuheh for night combat. The schedules were very busy and they did not have a chance to rest. At night, they go to bed ready with their mantua and scarves on and put their shoes under their feet. They woke up in the middle of the night with terribly loud noises. They put on their shoes and went out the door. One or two people were firing from the air. One of the brothers was standing in front of the tent, giving a gun to each of them who came out. They quickly stood in line next to each other. Their legs were still shaking from the intensity of the fear he had felt when he woke up. They were ordered to move. They set off for the surrounding mountains. The night was moonlit and bright. They camouflaged themselves between the grooves of the mountain, and fired at a hypothetical enemy. She suddenly thought about what would happen if there was a war. That is, would Iraq reach Andimeshk, and would they force them to take up guns and fight and kill people? Even the thought of killing a human being would disturb his mind. She asked her why there should be a war, why people should kill each other, whether the Iraqi are people Muslims or not, whether we are Muslims or not, why they want to fight us, every problem come from damn Saddam. When she looked at herself holding a gun and shooting, it seemed to her that if a man was in front of her, she could never shoot at her easily at that moment.  She wished there would be no war. But the war began. There were air and ground attacks. Now, she constantly heard the news of the martyrdom of one of the youths who came. One of her friends, Sima, had just gotten married. But on the second day of the war, her fiancé was martyred and all the wishes of Sima are destroyed. The next day, on the third day, Mr. Ali Akbari, one of the responsible brothers, asked the sisters for permission and said goodbye and got on his motorcycle and went to Do kuheh to get to the front line. As soon as he left there to Andimeshk, it was bombed and Ali Akbari was martyred. As if Soqra had lost her brother; her tears flowed involuntarily. He knew that Ali Akbari felt a special responsibility for the girls. She remembered his conversation with Ali Akbari a few days ago… it was around noon, Mr. Ali Akbari called her and said in a low tone as his head was down: "If anyone proposes to you for marriage or talks to you these days, tell me before you give the answer to him." Soqra was embarrassed a lot. "You bet, but there is not any case now," she said. Then he got permission and left the room quickly.

But, as if war and life were at odds; while Iraq was advancing toward Andimeshk, Mehdi Sanaei, one of his colleagues on the relief committee, proposed to her through Soqra's sister’s husband. She remembered the words of Martyr Ali Akbari and thought that Saqra must have talked to him about Ali Akbari. Anyway, Mr. Sanaei was supposed to come to their house for a formal proposal on the weekend, but the ceremony was not carried out for a long time until Mehdi Sanaei was martyred on May 22, 1981 in Khorramshahr. The war had taken security away from the people but had brought hearts closer together. The relief committee called her to provide a minibus to pick up some women and take them to martyr Kalantari Hospital to wash the clothes and bedding of the fighters and the wounded. From then on, this happens for her every day.

After the martyrdom of Mehdi Sanaei, he did not allow anyone to propose, but after a while, his mood improved, he decided to marry only a spinal amputee. She felt that she owed a debt from the martyr Sanaei that if he married with a spinal amputee and spent all her time caring for and nursing him, she could pay her debt to the martyr.

Her family had prevented her from marrying several times, but this time she did not want to allow them. She had to state his words; once for all. She did not want to be regretted anymore. After Mr. Aghamahdi and the other veteran suitors, to whom his family refused every time, this time she was determined to accept. She had already made her decision. She even researched and knew her difficulties. Nothing could change my mind. Her heart wanted to do this for the sake of God.

Some of her friends were married to spinal cord amputees. She talks to them whenever the opportunity arises. Their experiences and professions were almost the same with me; they advised me: "You have to lift him yourself and help him to move. Otherwise, he may get bedsore. His kidneys may be damaged. You may never have a child. If you marry a spinal cord amputee, you will be limited. You cannot go anywhere anymore. It will be hard for you. You may not be able to handle him and his affairs." Her usual response to them was as follows: "No. God willing, I can handle him. God willing, I will marry."

Finally, happened what she wanted. God's grace included her condition; Mohsen Abedi, a spinal amputee, was on her way. They got a mutual understanding and got married, and even God gives them a son.

 Earlier, Mr. Mohsen had a fever, chills, and vomiting. When Soqra took him to the doctor, it turns out that he had kidney stones. Whatever medicine he used was useless. His doctor said that they could not treat him here and they have to send him to Germany. Every medical affair was done and Mr. Mohsen was sent to Germany alone. It was the first time they had been separated for a while and there was a gap between them. After ten days, which was the same as ten years ago for Soqra, one day she received a letter from Mr. Mohsen. Her eyes were full of tears for joy. She goes into the room and opens the envelope. Mr. Mohsen had written her about his homesickness and the medical work he had done. He had written in the last lines of the letter: "Hope to see you, dear Nemat!" It was the first time he had addressed her like this. She liked it very much. Returning from his medical trip, Mr. Mohsen told Soqra: "In Germany, I realized that your presence is a great blessing. I felt a lot of your lack of presence there."

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