The Memoirs of a Newsdealer

“The Memoirs of a Newsdealer” includes the memories of the oldest newsdealer of Iran, Mohammad Ebrahim Ranjbar. He was born in 1928 in Mazandaran province and came to Tehran in 1937. Two neighboring newsdealers helped him to start his work.

Hand of God

Hand of God” is a book of memoirs of Colonel Ghasemali Zareie, comrade of martyr Haj Satar Ebrahimi. Zareie in this book narrates eloquently his friend and his own memories with a sense of humor. This book is an indication of the sacrifice of Asad-Abad [a city in central Iran] combatants during the Holy Defense. Colonel Ghasemali Zareie after years of service has narrated a part of Holy Defense history related to combatants dispatched from Hamadan province in Hand of God.

Parts of Taqi Makinezhad's life under the scrutiny

Memoirs of Rebellion Times (parts of Taqi Makinezhad’s life, member of Fifty-three group and Tudeh Party of Iran activists) written by yoosef Nikfam, and Social Thought of Muslim Thinkers (from Farabi to Ibn-Khaldun) written by Taqi Maki Armaki are published.

Reza Shah in the Shadows of Contemporary History of Iran

The book entitled "Reza Shah in the Shadows of Contemporary History of Iran, From the beginning to the end of the Reign" is one of the latest books on Reza Shah. The author tries to review and examine historical character and position of Reza Shah based on the existing resources in the political scene of Iran. At some sections of this book entitled "Reza Shah's ancestry" referring to the reports composed by the dignitaries of Reza Khan reign, it is mentioned: "Reza Khan Pahlavi the Founder of Pahlavi dynasty, son of Abbas Gholi Khan Savad-k0ohi known as Dadash-beig, was born at Savad-kooh in 1878.After the age of 22 he entered into Cossack Brigade as a Cossack.

The Rose Hotel: A Memoir of Secrets, Loss, and Love from Iran to America

This brave, beautifully written memoir, originally published as a novel in order to safeguard identities, is the story of a wealthy, young Iranian girl whose family is traumatized by events surrounding Iran’s 1979 revolution, and the subsequent fallout that caused the family decades of suffering. Andalibian’s family owned an upscale hotel near a revered pilgrimage site; her strictly religious father, Baba, forbade alcohol, unrelated couples, and music in the hotel. As the revolution loomed, a rape and a murder occurred, resulting in false accusations and the devastating arrest of Andalibian’s eldest brother, Abdollah.

A Man of Diplomacy

In books presented to the market under the concept of Oral History there is little trace of any book which is based on accepted standards close to oral history. “Revolution & Diplomacy in Memoirs of Seyyed Mohammad Sadr” is a book which contains invaluable information on the events of Islamic Revolution and first years of revolution in governmental structure.

A Revolutionary Joy Ride Through History

Exactly four years ago, as my wife and I were in the final week of our vacation in South Beach, we were pleasantly surprised to hear a female voice with a distinctly Scottish burr piping up just behind us on the sidewalk as we were going out for breakfast. “Is that Lou?” The voice belonged to Jess MacKenzie, the long-time partner of Ernie Tate, a veteran of the Trotskyist movement who had the audacity like me to vacation in a spot that in our youth would have been regarded as a decadent bourgeois swamp.

Bottom Up History

The title of Staughton Lynd’s new book, “Doing History from the Bottom Up,” not only defines the purpose and sets the direction; it lays down a challenge. Lynd uses the present continuous form of the verb “do,” which commonly means “to perform or carry out,” and which indicates that there is really no beginning nor end. Lynd challenges us to act rather than ideate, and he demands that the action proceed from the primary source; that is, the “bottom.”

A Diary of Iran and Transoxiana (beyond the (Oxus) river)

Mr. “Ka ge aki Oeba” who his pen name is “Ka ko e” had published his reports about his endless interesting traveling and visiting to different countries and regions throughout the world.

Naval Commandos in Khurramshahr: Unheard Stories

Soureh Mehr Publications has published "Naval Commandos in Khurramshahr", the first work published by a naval commando of the first Iranian division to withstand Iraq's assaults on the city of Khurramshahr before its capture in 1980. The stories were never published before.
Part of memoirs of Seyed Hadi Khamenei

The Arab People Committee

Another event that happened in Khuzestan Province and I followed up was the Arab People Committee. One day, we were informed that the Arabs had set up a committee special for themselves. At that time, I had less information about the Arab People , but knew well that dividing the people into Arab and non-Arab was a harmful measure.
Book Review

Kak-e Khak

The book “Kak-e Khak” is the narration of Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (Haj Habib), a commander in Kurdistan fronts. It has been published by Sarv-e Sorkh Publications in 500 copies in spring of 1400 (2022) and in 574 pages. Fatemeh Ghanbari has edited the book and the interview was conducted with the cooperation of Hossein Zahmatkesh.

Is oral history the words of people who have not been seen?

Some are of the view that oral history is useful because it is the words of people who have not been seen. It is meant by people who have not been seen, those who have not had any title or position. If we look at oral history from this point of view, it will be objected why the oral memories of famous people such as revolutionary leaders or war commanders are compiled.

Daily Notes of a Mother

Memories of Ashraf-al Sadat Sistani
They bring Javad's body in front of the house. His mother comes forward and says to lay him down and recite Ziarat Warith. His uncle recites Ziarat and then tells take him to the mosque which is in the middle of the street and pray the funeral prayer (Ṣalāt al-Janāzah) so that those who do not know what the funeral prayer is to learn it.