Da (Mother) 138

The Memoirs of Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni

When I saw my stay in Tehran would drag on indefinitely, I raised the issue with the Martyrs Foundation. The Foundation wrote to the superintendent of the building, who put two rooms at our disposal. Habib was always annoyed by my constant need for things. He was even opposed to accepting gifts. He would say, “Be thankful for God allowing me to serve at the front.”

Helping the families of the martyrs of 1979

This was done all over Iran by clergies and revolutionaries. At that time, there was neither the Shahid Foundation, nor a center or community that was in charge of this matter. Providing for the needs of the martyr’s families and victims and political prisoners, was the responsibility of the revolutionaries themselves, especially the charitable and clergies, who were the followers of the line of Imam Khomeini.

A fragment of Akbar Barati memoirs

About the formation of the Islamic Revolution Committee on 2 February 1979

One of the things that the Imam did immediately after the revolution was to establish the Islamic Revolution Committee and appoint Mr. Mahdavi Kani as the chairman of the committee. He also established the committee's headquarters in the National Assembly ...

365th Night of Memory – 3

The 365th show of Night of Memory entitled "Waiting" was held in Andisheh Hall of the Art Center of the Islamic Revolution on the 4th of Bahman 1403 (January 23, 2025). Several combatants of the Martyrdom Battalion of "The 27th Division of Mohammad Rasoullollah (SAWA)" narrated their memoirs. The wives and mothers of the martyrs attended the show.

The Dusk of the Sixth Day

Narrated by Gholamhossein Bashardoust

Hojatoleslam Gholamhossein Bashardoust, who, following the martyrdom of Mostafa Radanipour, remained the one and only cleric in a senior wartime command position, boasts a distinguished record as the commander of the Karbala Headquarters during the Sacred Defense. The book The Dusk of the Sixth Day is named in remembrance of the ...

Da (Mother) 137

The Memoirs of Seyyedeh Zahra Hoseyni

The army would occasionally have women gather in one home for safety. Because of the threat posed by Hypocrites, they warned us to be more vigilant when we were alone or out and about. I had heard Hypocrites would monitor the movements of soldiers and took advantage of their absences to decapitate their wives and children.

A part of “The Soup for the Front” memoirs

The Revolutionary Teacher; The Pro-Shah Schoolmaster

Narrated by Shahnaz Zaki

I entered the Quds middle school’s yard. The schoolmaster was staring and glaring at me from behind the office’s window. It was as she was whispering something bad about me. I entered the office. The schoolmaster and school secretaries were sitting next to each other ...

365th Night of Memory – 2

The 365th show of Night of Memory entitled "Waiting" was held in Andisheh Hall of the Art Center of the Islamic Revolution on the 4th of Bahman 1403 (January 23, 2025). Several combatants of the Martyrdom Battalion of "The 27th Division of Mohammad Rasoullollah (SAWA)" narrated their memoirs. The wives and mothers of the martyrs attended the show. Mr. Ahmad Karimi, Mrs. Maryam ...

Meeting with Hossein Panahi and his wife

A story of the patience of a veteran who is still standing

Their small, rented house was simple, but the hearts that beat in it were noble and noble. Mr. Panahi was sitting on the floor, a mask on his face and his gaze fixed on something far away. Perhaps he was looking back at the days with his friends in the Jerusalem operation. He spoke of the boats in which they had passed death by a few centimeters.

The Uprising in Amol

On the 6th of Bahman 1360 (January 26, 1982), one of the most significant political-security events following the victory of the Islamic Revolution occurred. This was the assault on the city of Amol by a faction of the Communist Union of Iran, known as the Sarbedaran or Jangali. Their target was to seize control of the city, particularly attacking the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and Basij bases.
At the Unveiling of “War and State”:

Minister of Health Praises the Prestigious Sadr Family

The book War and State in the Memoirs of Seyyed Mohammad Sadr, authored by Mohammad Qobadi and published by Sooreh Mehr, was officially unveiled at the The Artistic Sect of the Islamic Republic. According to the Sooreh Mehr Publishing website, this event was attended by Mohammadreza Zafarghandi, Minister of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education;
Dr. Nouraei:

“Oral history of art” should move toward producing documentaries

According to Iranian Oral History website, the preliminary workshop of “Oral History of Art” was held online before the national conference “Iranian Theories of Historiography and Art” on Wednesday 21st of Azar 1403 (December 11, 2024) by the Art Research Institute of the Art Cultural Center. During the event, “Dr. Morteza Nouraee” the professor of the History Group of Isfahan University delivered a speech.

Benefits of Oral History

History, as one of the fundamental disciplines within the humanities, has evolved through time to adopt various forms and methodologies. Concepts such as "written history," "comprehensive history," and "oral history" exemplify these approaches. Written history relies on documents and textual sources for the analysis and composition of historical accounts, while comprehensive history seeks to integrate various sources—both written and oral.