The 314th of ‘Night of Memorials’ - 3

Organized Irregular Warfare

Elnaz Darvishi
Translated by: Zahra Hosseinian


With the presence of three companions of Shahid Mostafa Chamran, the 314th of ‘Night of Memorials’ was held in July 2020. According to the website of the Oral History, the 314th of ‘Night of Memorials’, was held by maintaining social distance at Andisheh Hall of Hozeh Honari in June 25, 2020. In this meeting, Seyyed Abolfazl Kazemi, Hassan Shah Hosseini and Ismaeil Shah Hosseini recounted some memories of the sacred defense time and the irregular warfare groups of Shahid Mostafa Chamran and the role of motorcyclists.

The third narrator of the 314th of ‘Night of Memorials’, Mr. Ismaeil Shah Hosseini, was one of the sacred defense fighters and recounted memories of his presence in the war zone:

‘Today, when we tell some of our memories about the war and the warriors, it is hard for people to believe it. It had been our failure to hide these memories. It is true that all the warriors fought for the sake of God, but their bravery shouldn’t be hidden. The motorcyclist troop is also in this category.

Regarding the irregular wars, which were commanded by Shahid Chamran, I should say that they were in fact very organized. Dr. Chamran was the main person and always made the right choices. He was like a seed which was turned into a tulip since the beginning of the revolution; he was like a breeze that blew among the warriors and made everyone well, but we missed him very soon. Those who came to the front for irregular warfare received no pay and knew their chance of life is only 50 percent; but they honestly made sacrifices. A brief talking was enough for Dr. Cahamran to know the interlocutor; so, he always made the best choices.

I worked most of the times in Tehran then. During the first three months of the war, whenever he needed me, I was driven to the zone and then was departed by a motorcycle; until he asked me to provide a professional motorcyclist troop. Among the motorcyclists, I had to look for and choose those who were honest and sincere; in the meantime, I had to order several motorcycles too. We needed motorcycles on their pillion two passenger could ride and its jump long should be at least three or four meters, because mines had been laid up to the back of the Karkheh-e-Noor embankment. One day I was phoned by the Ahvaz headquarters and was informed that there were some motorcyclists there who knew me. I recognized the names of two or three of them, but not the rest. I headed to Ahvaz and went to the Rudabeh School, which turned to a headquarters then and was commanded by Mr. Qamardoust. Arriving there, I saw some motorcyclists. They all knew me, but not all the faces were familiar to me. I went to Mr. Ghamrdoust's room and explained the case. He told me that these men arrived last night. They took a bath, performed an ablution, and some of them shaved completely their hair and announced that they had come to serve the religion. I stayed there for a week and trained them the basics and then returned to Tehran. This was the first group of motorcyclists.

The first time I was commissioned to be on watch in the army, one of colonels rode the pillion of my motorcycle and we went to watch the bridge of Karkheh-e-Noor. When we arrived, a robust and stout Iraqi saw us. I made a u-turn and moved quickly. Twelve Iraqis in three column of four, began pursuing us. Aiming not to find us, I jumped the motorcycle into a wheat-field and there were no more traces of the wheels. They lost us and returned to their embankment. The colonel climbed up a tree and send necessary information, and the embankment was destroyed, while I was eating my food at ease mind under the shade of that tree.

motorcyclists were professional. Jalil was from the same troop. Dr. Chamran had a strong vision. Those accompanied him, whether those who died martyrdom or those who survived, were all special people. Because Dr. Chamran knew people very well. The operations he designed and carried out were all planned very carefully. Like making water flow toward the Iraqis' side, because if he had not done so, Iraqis would have most likely reached Ahvaz.

I would like to share a memory about Haj Sadegh Abdullahzadeh. He was one of the cloth sellers of the Grand Bazaar and a Malek Mosque-goer. The fighters poured out their heart to Haj Sadegh and whenever he realized that they needed help; he arranged with someone in Tehran to help the families of the fighters. It was noon, twenty-eighth of Safar; we had an operation the very night. I was busy watching. Haj Sadegh came to me and we talked for a while. He said, ‘I’m going to Karbala today!’ I was surprised. I opened a compote. He ate a little, then he performed ablution and we prayed together. He said goodbye and left. After a while, I noticed a noise coming from Kooheh village - a small village with a few thatched and uninhabited houses. I saw one of our jeeps has gone towards the Iraqis. Several mortars and a rocket were inside the car and four passenger; Haj Sadegh; my cousin, Mohammad; my student, Manouchehr Hashemi; and a journalist. I quickly started my motorcycle and went to them. I slid. I rose and went to the alley. I saw Mohammad and Manouchehr picked up the rocket and mortars. We had little ammunition. The Iraqis shot with cannon. They had shot the jeep. We were stuck, but two helicopters came and fired the Iraqis. Mohammad and Manouchehr were survived. That night, my brother went to bring the body of Haj Sadegh and the journalist. Only the journalist’s leg, and chest to navel part of Haj Sadegh’s body were found, which were put in a sack and was brought. Later, Manouchehr Hashemi was also martyred.’

The 314th of ‘Night of Memorials’, was held by maintaining social distance at Andisheh Hall of Hozeh Honari in June 25, 2020.


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