Holy Shrine defenders and Veterans Narrated by Memories
Maryam Rajabi
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi
According to Iranian Oral History Website, 294th program of the series of the sacred defense's memory night was held in Sooreh Hall of Hozeh Honari on Thursday evening, Thursday, August 23, 2018. In this program, Hojjatoleslam Ali Shirazi, Mojtaba Jafari and Mohsen Fallah presented their memories of the holy shrine defenders and their era of captivity.
Stay additional 45 days
The first narrator of 294th session of memory night was Hojjatoleslam Shirazi, representative of the Valie Faqih in Qods Force of IRGC who is both a brother of the martyr and one of shrine defenders. The night of memory has had several programs in the south islands of the country, which were held by his effort. When Hojjatoleslam Shirazi came to his seat in stage, a movie about the Supreme Leader was broadcast in which he read a poem about the martyrs, so Hojjatoleslam Shirazi began his speech as: "The two couplets that the Supreme Leader referred to (we did chest beating , They rained soundless, what we talked about it they saw it, we were claimants of the first line, martyrs were selected at the end of the circle) was in regarding to the meeting of a group of families of shrine defender martyrs with the Supreme Leader in which the two couplets had been written upon photo of a martyr; The supreme leader took the photo, read the poem and cried. The session ended and the movie was released in cyberspace. One of clerics of Qom Seminary, Mohammad Mehdi Malamiri, was in Syria. His wife saw the film. I quote this part from the martyr's wife, which in the following meetings she declared for the Supreme Leader: "I saw your tears, Mr. Malamiri was in Syria, and I called my wife and said: Mr. Mohammad Mehdi, stay for additional 45 days; because he had gone for 45 days and was in final days. Your staying there would be a vowing to lifetime and persistence of living of the Supreme Leader. Not long after, Mr. Malamiri died a martyr; I said Al-Hamdulillah that he was sacrificed for the Supreme Leader of the revolution, Hazrat Imam Khamenei."
The Vow of martyr
Hojjatoleslam Shirazi continued, "A young man was injured in Syria, he was from Tabriz and before his martyrdom he intended to marry in Tabriz. He called to her father and said that do not hold marriage meeting, as I wouldn't stay a lot in this world, no one should be captured by me. He went to Syria and they reported that Mr. Hamed Javani was wounded, his two arms were cut off, and his two eyes became blind and went into a coma. A few days he was hospitalized in Damascus? He was transmitted to Iran. They called his parents and told them to go to the hospital and see your child. They came and looked at Hamed. His father came out and said that I have come to thank, I asked: "Who do you want to thank?" He said: "Those who sent Hamed to Syria, he had made vow to die a martyr like Abbas ibn Ali (AS), when I saw that he had no hands and eyes, I thanked God that my son's vow was accepted and he achieved his dream. My request is to take a Keffiyeh from the Supreme Leader and put it upon Hamed's body in order to be died and released sooner. I took a Keffiyeh and gave it to martyr's father. After one to two days, it was on holy month of Ramadan and near Iftar, they called me and said that Hamed had died a martyr. I went to the hospital and went to morgue with his parents and showed them their son corpse. They thanked us for showing them their child's body. I went to Tabriz to attend in ceremony of the 40th after death of martyr as a speaker. After speech, mother of the martyr looked at me and said that we had two sons named Hamed and Amir, both were pasdar (guardians), Hamed died a martyr; our request is that Amir also go to Syria, he is ready for martyrdom. The martyr's father is a hawker from Tabriz, he told me I should go before Amir. At that meeting, I said hello the Supreme Leader to that family, the martyr's father told me: "Go before the Supreme Leader and tell we gave Hamed in order to see your smile, my son and I are ready to be killed so that he would stay alive."
This is a favor from my Lord
Hojjatoleslam Shirazi added, "Martyr Omidvari wanted to go to Syria, he dreamt Hazrat Roghaye (S.A); the Hazrat said, "I will come for you at a particular day at 10 o'clock, ironically the day was day of the operation. The operation began at 8:00 AM, the war intensified, the commander ordered all to lie down on the ground; Mr. Omidvari looked at the commander and said that I will not be infected any harm until 10:00, let me kill a number of terrorists. At 10 a.m. he died a martyr. I went to the martyr's home later. All these events are recorded through narration of the martyr's friends and are available in his house. Such incidents are many in Syria war.
Not yet had arrived corpse of martyr Kajbaf; to appreciate this martyr, they had arranged a ceremony in Ahvaz where I also attended it. The martyr's wife stood behind the podium, looked at the crowd and said that they had not brought my husband's corpse, he has missed and is in hands of terrorists; I declare on my behalf and all of my children, no one has the right to receive body of my spouse to give one Rial from Iran money to terrorists, no one has the right to carry out any operation to recapture my husband's body, if it is a task do it, but if it is for release of my spouse's corpse, I will not allow this to happen. Video of these talks was broadcast in cyberspace. Martyr Kajbaf's family visited the Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader declared, "I heard your words at appreciation ceremony of martyr Kajbaf; the martyr's wife said, "This is a favor from my Lord..." At a meeting that I was in their home, the martyr's wife said that we are ready to gather women of Khuzestan and if necessary, we should all go to Syria and defend Islam."
Dream of martyr's mother
Hojjatoleslam Shirazi stated, "Jahad Moghniye died a martyr in Syria and on Israeli border. The news was not yet broadcast. Emad Moghniye, father of Jahad, and two of Emad's brothers had also died a martyr. Jahad is the fourth child of this home; he also died a martyr and they wants to inform Emad's wife, mother of Jahad Moghniye. Brother of Jahad came with one of forces of Hezbollah to give news of his martyrdom, he turned to his mother and said that Jahad died a martyr, Emad Moghniye's wife insert his hand in his bag and took out a shroud and said: "I had not sent Jahad so that come back safe, I sent Jahad so that like his father, Emad, would die a martyr, he got his wish. I was ready to receive news of testimony of Jahad. I went to house of Emad Moghniye's father, saw Emad's wife, and I said that were these words correct? He said: Yes, I had prepared my child's shroud and knew that Jahad would die a martyr.
A Lebanese young, who was single, went to Syria several times, the last time he wanted to go from Lebanon to Syria, told his mother I dreamed and I want to state this dream for you. The mother did not take too much seriously and did not want his child to feel that his mother was worried. When he went to Syria narrated the dream to his friends and said that I arrived at Syria in my dream, I was captured, and then one of ISIS forces having long beard sat on my chest and cut off my head with a knife, I was upset and woke up in a discomfort state. The second night again the same ISIL force sat on my chest and my dream repeated until now, he wanted to cut my throat and I was afraid; suddenly, I saw Husayn-ibn-Ali (AS) came and said, why are you afraid? They cut my throat on the day of Ashura, it wasn't painful; they will cut your throat too and it wouldn’t be painful. Commander Soleimani narrated this to me and I checked this incident in a visit to Lebanon with Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah, I wrote name of this martyr, but unfortunately, I do not remember his name. The same dream was confirmed by Seyyed Hasan and this dream was interpreted. When he came to Syria, was captured, they cut his throat and released a video clip on cyberspace. They pursued to take his corpse, and ISIS forces delivered the body, but not his head. They brought the corpse from Syria to Lebanon. The martyr's mother came above the corpse, looked at his headless body and started to wailing. They told his mother for what are you crying? Because of that your son corpse does not have? His mother said, "When I looked and saw my son hadn't head, I said that Al-Hamdulillah, Husayn-ibn-Ali (AS) didn't have head, my son also doesn't have; I looked at his body and saw his body is healthy, my cry was for that I had said to myself, my God I wish my son's body was dismembered like corpse of Husayn-ibn-Ali (AS), would be fragmented. One side of coin of war with terrorists is to introduce great men.
Two brothers were from Mashhad called Mojtaba and Mostafa Bakhti. They intended go to Syria. Those days no one was dispatch to Syria; one of them was a pasdar, the two brothers were allowed by their parents and took Afghan passport, and went to Afghanistan under Afghan names. In Syria, for a long time, no one knew they were Iranians. Both brothers died a martyr in one day with each other. One day after their martyrdom, I went to the martyrs' home in Mashhad. The mother of martyrs told me since the war (Iran-Iraq) when they brought corpse of each martyr to the city I regretted that a number become martyr's mother but not me; until Syria war was started and my children went to Syria. They informed me that Mustafa died a martyr and Mojtaba was wounded; I did not believe, my motherhood's feeling told me that both died a martyr, so the news was confirmed; when I heard that both my sons died a martyr, I put my head on the ground and said finally, I as a mother got my wish and became a martyr's mother."
Delicious bullet!
Hojjatoleslam Shirazi continued, "During the imposed war of Saddam army against Iran, I was in Thar allah Division; an event happened in Operation Valfajr-8. To tell this memory, I have to go back to Operation Khyber. Thar allah Division had an intelligence officer named Mohammad Hossein Yousof-allahi, who died a martyr in Operation Valfajr-8. Before Operation Khyber, the division intelligence sent two people to identify the area, they went to identifying, and both fell into the water and died a martyr. Sardar Qasem Soleimani, commander of the army, was concerned that if corpses of these two to be moved toward Iraqi forces, they would understand that we are identifying the area and the operation to be betrayed. Mr. Yousof-allahi was a 19 to 20 years young from Kerman, he told General Soleimani, "Corpses of these two loved ones who had died a martyr wouldn't go toward Iraqis; one of them at 8 a.m. will return in a special point and another one at 4 p.m. to another point." General Soleimani did not believe him, but then he said himself he might say right. At 8 a.m. he sent a group to the first point and at 8 o'clock the corpse was arrived. Soleimani assured that the next body would come at 4 p.m., and at 4 p.m. the second corpse came. Commander Soleimani asked Mr. Yousof-allahi, "Why was a corpse arrived at 8 a.m. and another at 4 p.m.?" He said the first corpse arrived at 8:00 a.m., because that martyr used to pray on time and never avoid it. That person was known as mystic of Thar allah Division.
It was intended to do Operation Valfajr-8. Prior to the operation, the detection forces came to Arvand and measured the water to see how fast the water was so that to operate at a night with low water velocity. One night, Mr. Hossein Badpa, one of detection forces of Thar allah Division, was ordered to measure the water velocity. He went to sleep and woke up after the hour to measure water. He said himself that every day we measure this water, one to two centimeters change is no problem. In the report, he changed slightly high and low report of previous days and wrote it. Mr. Badpa is near Arvand, and Mr. Yousof-allahi is at the headquarters of the Thar allah in Ahvaz. There, Mr. Yousof-allahi told the forces and commanding that Hossein Badpa wouldn’t die a martyr in the eight-year war, because he wrote a lie. Mr. Mohammad Jamali, who was from Kerman forces, imploringly went to Syria and died a martyr. It was ceremony of Mr. Jamali in Kerman and I was lecturer. Mr. Badpa came to the airport. From the time I arrived until the end of the night, he did not leave us. He begged to go to Syria. He finally went to Syria. On the same journey, martyr Jamali's wife and wife of martyr Badpa who was still didn't a martyr at that time, came and mediated and said that Hossein could no longer endure the situation, goes to the Martyr rose-garden and shed tears night to morning beside Mr. Yousof-allahi's grave in order to die a martyr. Martyr Badpa's wife said, "In God's name, take him, we have no comfort at home, he cries all night and day." Hossein Badpa went to Syria and was wounded first. It was the Eid days and he stayed in Kerman for a few days, and he had not been good enough so that returned to Syria. I saw him in Syria, and he told me you do not know how delicious a bullet is! He died a martyr a short time after his injury; his corpse has not yet received, but he bought a grave near martyr Yousof-allahi before going. Now, they made a memorial grave next to martyr Yousof-allahi's grave in Kerman. Who are these? These are in our city and country, but in a great test, they have fallen in love with God, and have promised to God to remain until the last moment on path of defending Islam, the Revolution and Velayat-e Faqih. They stayed and some insisted so that they drink the sweet syrup of martyrdom."
It took 25 months to figure out!
Mojtaba Jafari was the second narrator of the program. He stated, "Among the joys that people had since January 16, 1979 for the sake of leaving of Shah, release of Khorramshahr etc. until the day the veterans entered Iran, there is a difference and it is that on the day veterans entered the country, people became tears of joy. When the veterans began to return, it took a month to reach us. I arrived in Iran on September 12, 1990. One of my friends, who accepted the veterans and took them to quarantine and arranged them to give the family, came and put his head on my shoulder and wanted do greeting. He said Mojtaba, sorry, I've been close to tear so much in these days I could no longer to cry. When it was our turn, tear also was over.
This event, that is, liberation of prisoners occurred on August 17, 1990. We were in Tikrit camp in Iraq on August 15 and were doing our daily routine. The Iraqis came and said go to sanatorium. We went to the sanatorium. They turned on Iraqi TV so that we watch it. On television, it was announced continuously that something important would be coming to you soon. We sat for half an hour to three quarters and then they read the last letter of Saddam Hussein who had written for late Hashemi Rafsanjani. In it, it was written that everything was over between us, only exchange of captives that we will release the first group of Iranian prisoners on Friday. We were in daze for a quarter to twenty minutes before TV. We did not know what we heard is true or false. We dreamt a lot of, and in the morning we narrated that dream, and everyone interpreted it. Interpretation of all of our dreams resulted in our release, but what we heard from the TV was true, and we were over the moon.
August 20, 1988, the ceasefire between Iran and Iraq was established. It was eighth day of Muharram and we were in the war zone. On August 23, 1988, we were captured; three days after the ceasefire. We have been commissioned to settle in front of Iraqis in a place that when the ceasefire to be executed it would be clear where the Iraqis are and where we are. When we went to get settled, our work lasted until morning of August 20, and almost we lined Iraqis around 8 a.m. on August 20. The ceasefire had begun at 6 a.m. and we stood at 8 a.m. in front of Iraqis. I was vice chairman of the battalion and I wanted to go to my own line. I saw that Iraqis had installed in front of us a military police. We talked to Iraqis and told what that is? We want to go to our line. They said: "We unloose rope and you go." On the other side there was a road that our forces had captured it, and when Iraqi forces wanted to go their own line, our military police should unloosed rope. I told Iraqi commander that we had fought for eight years, now it's a cease-fire, and if they come from United Nations and see this situation, it's not good, they said, "What do we do?" I said, "You go back a hundred meters, we will also back 100 meters until what would happen for see the ceasefire." They accepted and we both went back one hundred meters, without regarding that our soldiers went to Iraqi trenches in days and took cigarette, and Iraqis came at night and got watermelon and ice. There was a ceasefire for three days between us.
The first day of Shahrivar (August 23, 1988), when it coincided with Ashura, they informed me by portable transceiver at 5 a.m. that three hundred Iraqi tanks and armored personnel carriers have lined in front of you. When darkness was over, we saw that the entire plain was full of tanks and carriers. I went and told Iraqi company commander what was going on? He said, they told us that you have settled here after the ceasefire, you have to go behind the river and we will not do anything about it. I told the commander necessary illumination and he said stay there. Iraqi commanders came, Iranian commanders also came, they unfolded map and talked, but did not come to a conclusion. This situation continued until noon. At noon, the tanks moved along our line together and came fifty meters ahead and then stood. I picked up the portable transceiver and told the commander that Iraqi tanks are moving, either you order us to fire, or order to go to other side of the river, this situation is not good. The commander of the division said you stand. I came and armed the soldiers in order to fire when Iraqi tanks moved. We have informed that to not shoot at all, because the ceasefire would be violated and it would lead a problem. We knew that Iraqis also did not shoot. At that time, Iraqi tanks moved and came toward behind us. I said again to the commander of and said, "The tanks moved and came behind us, order us to do something. He said, "Tell Iraqis to go back, we would go back too and this would be solved. I went with portable transceiver officer and all of my equipment toward the company commander who was in front of us all three days and we saw each other. I said our commander stated if you go back, we'll go back too and the problem would be solved. He said I am only commander of seven to eight tanks, and if only I go back, it is not useful. I said: Where is commander of your battalion? He showed two people three hundred meters far on Iraq territory.
I went with portable transceiver officer. That battalion commander surprised and said, "Who are you and what do you do here?" I introduced myself and said that our commander told if you go back, we would go back too and this would be solved. He said, "I cannot do anything, go to commander of our brigade. I said, where do I go to see the brigade commander? Almost three kilometers far from there was a hill that he showed me. I said, "How would I walk 3 kilometers in this heat and at noon?" We mounted an Iraqi carrier and dismounted near the hill. I went up the hill. I saw an Iraqi 2nd brigadier general in ironed dress and introduced myself and said our commander told if we go back, we would go back too and this problem would be solved. He said, "I cannot make a decision, sit here, I'm going to talk Baghdad now." He spoke and I felt that he was leading his maneuver on the phone. Ten minutes passed, and I said angrily, Mr. there is ceasefire, sort my problem out so that I go. He disliked my talk and told Iraqi soldiers to put me in a trench yet. I sat in the trench with portable transceiver officer and told the commander of companies that I am before commander of the Iraqi Brigade; you start to go other side of the river so I also tell him that our troops are going to other side of the river and then the problem would be over. Commander of our companies went to commander of the Iraqi company and said that our commander is before your brigade commander and he told us to go to the other side of the river; Iraqis said the war was ended, and we do not have anything to do with you, you can go to other side of the river. Our companies commander said that we have no tool to go to the other side of the river, they gave us Iraqi trucks, mounted Iranian soldiers and took us to other side of the river. We were nearly 2,100 people, and 1,400 went in this way. Another truck was taking our troops; an Iraqi tank sopped it and said take them to Iraqi territory and where we were. When I was above that hill, I heard that voice of speaking in Persian. I came down and saw that 30 to 40 of our guys, that my brother was among them, were disputing that what this is? The war was over. We were really deceived here. The brigade commander said us you go to Iraqi army camp; we have nothing to do with you. We mounted the truck and went to the camp. The division commander told me, "What happens?" I said, "Nothing, our commander said if you go back, we would go back too and the problem would be solved. He told me, "Did you pray?" We said, "No", he said, "Put your instruments here, go to bathroom and toilet, and do Wudu and read your prayers, we do not do anything with you. We also like docile guys put our stuffs and got on the truck to go to bathroom and do Wudu, and even one of us did not ask them that does it needed to go to bathroom and toilet to go with a truck?! We mounted the truck at 3 p.m. and disembarked in city of Amarah, Iraq! After 48 hours they interrogated us and asked, "What is it?" We said, "We said god knows nothing happened, our commander said if you retreat, we would go back too and this problem would be solved!" They did not believe and took us to al-Rashid prison in Baghdad and interrogated us for 40 days and asked, "What is it?" We said, "Nothing, our commander said if you go back, we would go back too and this would be solved." They did not accept and took us to Tikrit and camp 19 of Tikrit, and it lasted 25 months to understand Iraqis that our commander said if you retreat, we would go back too and this problem would be solved. We went on August 23, 1988 and on September 12, 1990, they realized that our commander had said if they went back, we would go back too and this problem would be solved."
We have an Amir (2nd brigadier general and higher) named "Hossein Yasini", who is now an old man. On August 15, when they read Saddam's letter, he made a small hill in yard of the camp. We had a colonel who had a good handwriting, he asked the colonel to draw Islamic Republic's sign on the hill. He drew the sign and Amir Yasini sowed seeds of the grass that we had gathered there at time of farming on Islamic Republic sign and began to hosing. Iraqis said if you planted a vegetable, it would grow four to five days, what is it that does not grow? Amir said if you wait, it would be a good thing, and especially it would be a souvenir for you. Almost on September 11, when we wanted to leave the camp with Mr. Yasini, seeds had sprouted and a profile of Islamic Republic had remained on that hill. We were in bus and told Iraqis to hose that plant so you could certainly see that beautiful thing."
He wanted to kill us three times, but ...
In continuance of the memory night, Mohsen Fallah said, "Operation Fath ol-Mobin was the last operation I participated. In the second night of 1361 (1982), about 11 p.m., we entered like an espionage into Iraq fronts through the lines that we had previously detected. We won the first phase of the operation. Our battalion was Hamza Seyyed al-Shohada Battalion from the 27th Brigade of Mohammad Rasulullah, our commander Haj Ahmad Motevaselian, our headquarters officer martyr Hemmat, our battalion commander Reza Cheraghi, and our target was also an artillery that fired Andimeshk and Dezful. We arrived at our target and went ahead also than our target. They told us to retreat until the next command. We went backwards. They told us through transceiver portable those brothers who are not tired come to help other warriors on hills of Susa.
We went to Susa anyway. It was around 1:30 until 2 p.m. we arrived and saw that many of our brothers had died a martyr. From 12 a.m. to 12 p.m., about 1,300 people had died a martyr. We took out 120 to 150 injured people from each furrow and then they died a martyr. They were compacted in a furrow, and their blood did not come out, as soon as they came out, their blood was bled then they died a martyr. There was a mother who gave fresh bread to fighters. When his bread was over, she came to help the doctor. He asked in Khoozestani accent, "Can I help?" The doctor said, "Yes, you can, this brother has taken head of the wounded, you take his shoulder." Legs of that wounded warrior were also in my hands. That mother asked, "Where can I put my chador?" The doctor said, "Put it next to your stuffs, take it when your task finished and wear it. When the mother wanted to take her chador, the wounded took her chador and said, "Mother, I'm in this situation but your chador should be on your head, let me die, but you will not take out your chador!" he told this and died a martyr.
On the fourth day of the operation we had scheduled to attack Dasht-e Abbas. Dasht-e Abbas was an Iraqi armored area. Wherever you see they had stored ammunition. It seems they distributed weapons from there to other areas. They told us, "If this battalion obstruct right side of the area, our forces could advance. Our battalion declared its readiness and Hajj Ahmad Motevaselian came and said that announcement of readiness means disjointing, but we said we are ready. Hamza battalion entered heart of the enemy's territory at 6 a.m. on March 24, 1982. As we had been said, we went to the enemy's right side. From 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., we fought with them, and we could almost bring back 90 healthy and injured people, including Reza Cheraghi, who had been injured his arm and face. When Iraqis saw no force was coming from behind us, they surrounded us. At 9:35 p.m., a bullet hit my left leg and my leg was paralyzed from knee. My personal bag was on my stomach and I did not see anything. I thought my leg was electrocuted. I was going so that I founded my leg was dragged and I fell down. Iraqis had much enough free time that bombarded each of us with RPG. When I kneel and fell down, I saw only RPG bullets were shooting from around me. I turned and looked and I saw there is nobody and our people all had died a martyr. I dragged myself under the bridge and I heard a sound. I looked. He was one of our battalion guys called Nemat Hooshyar, who called: brother Falah, let's creep. Me before Going to the front of the before going, I stood in front of Abbas shrine in Dasht-e Abbas, and said, "Ask God if it supposed to be ended, we will not suffer much. I went to Nemat Hooshyar, and lain to crawling. After a short creeping, the next bullet hit my nose. My nose was just attached to skin. It was hung and bleeding with pressure. I opened my Keffiyeh and twisted around my face, but it did not stop blood. We went a little further and saw that Iraqis were coming from our left side and shot coupe de grace at the wounded and martyrs. They shot the wounded and a loader poured dust on them. When they arrived us, they shot a bullet and Nemat died a martyr; Nemat said, "My God, you have Jalal, Jamshid, whatever you have, do not let me to be captured by those so-and-so!" I shouted and said in Arabic, "Don't shot pagan! Do not shot, we are not armed. The Iraqi man turned and directed the gun toward me and said, "You cheek, I shoot you and he sprayed my chest with bullet. He shot 10-12 bullets into my chest that broke my back spine and disjointed." I fell down and saw the loader was pouring dust on me. I shook Nemat with my hand and called him, but he had died. Meanwhile, a cannonball hit the loader and destroyed it. The loader soil was poured and I was covered in dust to neck, only my head and one of my hands was out of soil.
I was constantly fainted and revived; in this state, I said my God you bought Nemat with that curses, buy me too. Nemat said that he had been expelled from of Javadieh, but no more than a month he was raised on the hands as a martyr in Javadieh. I stayed under soil until sunset, and when Iraqis wanted to clear the area, they would go to any body, kick it, or that body would have died a martyr, or if he was alive, he whimpered due to that kick and they realized that he was alive. They kicked me too and I moaned. They took me to their own place. Anyone who came to me, with any means he could hit me. Saddam's deputy came and said don't them send backward, kill them right there. They took us to a military truck and closed our hands and legs to kill us in a more far distance, away from eyes of their soldiers. That military truck went forward a little and it crashed head-on one of their tanks. The tank barrel raised front of the truck and we were hung. We roared for about two hours, until another military truck heard our voice and mounted us. As we were taking, I saw those two people who took us to kill, were killed themselves. We were taken to Fakkeh border. We saw there Saddam Hussein who led the operation. A camera was shooting. Saddam pushed an officer to take us to ambulance. I told the guys to make a noise so that the cameras did not shoot. In summary, they took us to the ambulance in front of the cameras, and they disembarked us in a short space ahead and pasted us. That time we were 170 to 180 people. We were tied to burnt tanks. From my left side, they killed about 10 people. When they came to me, I said loudly: "great god said to him in his generous book, "When the buried female infant is asked, for what crime she was slain." there was a paramedic as if was an officer. He opened his hand in front of me and said to them, "Do not kill him, he recite Qur'an." He asked, "They also know Quran?" I said, "We are all Muslims, Quran is in our chest." In summary, they avoid killing us. They mounted us to a truck and took to Amarah. From Fakkeh to Amarah is 60 km. In Amarah we were taken to a school. During interrogations, my name was identified with one of officers of Iranian Army. The soldiers in interrogations said Captain Fallah was our commander and they thought that I was that captain. In interrogation, they showed me two stars and asked, "What was this?" I said, "These are officer badges. He said, "So you are an officer." I said, "Since I know these stars, I am an officer?" By force they installed the stars on my shoulder and I became an officer. They wanted me military information and I did not know. I was condemned to shooting. They separated 12 of us and took to Amarah garison to shoot there. We were taken in front of a bulwark. Several people lined behind the bulwark. They closed our eyes and hands and legs and wanted to shoot from behind. When the firing was over, I understood I hadn't been any hit bullet. I said to the next person, "Were you shot?" he said no. We asked each other and founded no one had been shot. At the same time, two Iranian aircrafts arrived and attacked the garrison. With help of side person, we untied our hands and legs. We looked around and saw nobody was there. We looked at behind and saw some people are standing at a distance of 500 meters from us, pointing us out to look at under our feet. We saw that Iraqi soldiers who were supposed to kill us, all died. We were taken to Iraqi Intelligence Service in Baghdad. The colonel who sentenced us to execution in Amarah was there. We were about 1,200 to 1,300 people there. He came and counted and asked names and saw I was one of those condemned to death. He ordered to take us soon and execute. They separated a few people and took to an area that seemed to be a horse holding yard. They took us and tied with beams and pillars of stable and put a sack on our faces. At that time, I liked a lot to die, because I was at the end of my rope. As we were ready to die, I heard a voice of oh. Then I heard someone fell. I asked next person, "Are you ok?" He said, yes. We did not end up our talk that we heard another voice. I asked my next person again and he was healthy. As I talked to him, they came and picked the sack up from my head and opened my hand from the pillar and I fell. The Iraqi soldier realized me brokenly to go before the guys. As we went looked at the way, and we saw behind the wall, from knee to feet and wear in a boot, legs of two persons was clear. I asked them, "Were they dead?" they said, "No, they are alive." They took us before the guys. That colonel sent us three times to death in the same situation, the last time we were taken to kill and wanted to cover our heads, we said only kill us in every way and it doesn't need to put a sack on our heads. An Iraqi officer raised my head and put a gun on my temple and asked me, "Do you want to kill you?" As soon as he told this, I saw he fell down. I asked the side person, "I cannot see well, what happened?" He said, "A big knife went in his neck." I asked, "Who did hit?" He said, "I do not know." A soldier came again and dragged us to the hall; the colonel came and saw that we were still alive. He told the translator, "Do they scare to kill them or pity?" I said, "They were neither scared nor merciful, so far, anyone who wanted to kill us was dead himself" and I was sure that if he himself fired a gun at the same moment, he himself would die. I said, "If you don't believe, try it yourself" and I recite a verse of Yasin for him; great god said to him in his generous book, "When He wills a thing, His command is to say to it 'Be', and it is!" Suddenly he shuddered and fell on his knee and fled in creeping way. The guys asked me, "Dear brother what did you say that he scared as much as" I told, "I didn't know exactly what I told him, but he well understood what I said." Next day they threw us into a room and two days later gave us to Baghdad and circulated us as captive. Most of them were wounded. They put in each military car six persons and two persons died a martyr in our car. Iraqis could capture at least 3 thousand people in Operations Fath ol-Mobin and Beit ol-Moqaddas, but they killed most of our forces. Shortly, they shot us, we fell and they captured us in that way. Iraqis took out our dresses. I did a measure and dislodge my dress button. Because my dress we modern, I threw it in a side. We were captured in day, and Iranians seized in night the place in which we had been captured. A person got cold and wore my dress. Because of striking quiver at his left side of his forehead he had died a martyr and Hasan Madahi who had found that person and knew me, saw that my id was in his packets and my label was on his shirt. I was captured on March 24 and on April 1 there was a funeral in my neighborhood in Shahriar. They were sure that person was me. My father told, "I cleared three times and see that is you." My uncle says I unmasked your corpse several times and even one person didn’t doubt and they still haven't believed that the corpse hadn't been me. I entered our neighborhood on August 23 and no one believed that I went in 72 kg weight and returned in 42 kg. When I came back I saw dust of sorrow of myself and my brother, who was missing, on my mother face. I looked at my mother and told, "You are heroine, we aren't anything." My mother told, "You crowned me with honor."
At the end of the ceremony, there was book launch of "Che Kasi Lebase Mara Pushid (Who Wore My Clothes)" included memories of veteran Mohsen Fallah, authored by Mahboubeh Shamshirgarha. In this book launch, Mahboubeh Shamshirgarha interpreted her purpose of writing this book as a hope to find identity of the martyr who dressed Mohsen Fallah's dress and now is buried in name of anonymous martyr in Shahriar, Tehran.
294th program of the series of the sacred defense's memory night was held by the Center for Studies and Research on Resistance Culture and Literature and the Office of Literature and Art of Resistance in Sooreh Hall of Hozeh Honari on Thursday evening, Thursday, August 23, 2018. The next session will be held on August 23.
Number of Visits: 3904