About the Fourth Book of Series of "Historians and Narrators of Battle Scenes"

All the Threes: Lesson, Front, and Narrating

Mohammad-Ali Fatemi
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


"Historians and Narrators of Battle Scenes; The Third Course of Mofid School; Martyr Narrators: Hossein Jalayipour, Mohsen Feiz, Hamid Salehi" research and interviewed by Somayeh Hosseini and Morteza Ghazi and wrote by Morteza Ghazi, is one of the published works by Center for Holy Defense Documents and Research in 2017.

It is stated in preface of the book that "In the second half of 1360 (SH) and before starting Operation Tariq al-Qods, group of "Narrators of War" was formed in Political Bureau of IRGC. Office of the War, the Center for War Studies and Research, and the Center for Holy Defense Documents and Research has been organizational titles of the complex since its inception. During the eight years of the imposed war, the narrators, in spite of lack of forces, limited facilities, structural defects and other existing difficulties, have collected, documented and recorded thousands of documentary and important reports of battlefields, in formats of cassette tapes, narrator notebooks, operational reports, calks, maps and documents that the collection [narrated by the same book: over a million sheets of reports and nearly 50,000 hours of cassette tape] now, in addition to immortalizing events and preventing distortion of the holy defense realities, considered as the most important first-hand sources of research of Iraq and Iran war... the same small group presented Islam 17 martyrs in battlefields that has a high percentage of martyrs compared to other groups. However, for a long time after the war, no written and lasting work had not been conducted about the historian and narrator martyrs, and they remained unknown until in 2009 Department of Social Studies of the Center for Holy Defense Documents and Research was to provide and compile part of life of these high-class martyrs and it was decided to narrate and publish biography of the narrator's martyrs in form of a collection books of "Historians and Narrators of Battle Scenes". The present work is the fourth book of this collection that in addition to narrative of life of three historians and narrators of the holy defense (martyrs Hossein Jalaypour, Mohsen Feiz and Hamid Salehi), also address how students of Mofid School participated in the fronts, especially in the Center for War Studies and Research. The Three martyrs were students of the third grade of Mofid School, who at some times worked in the Center for War Studies and Research of IRGC as a historian and narrator of the holy defense, and although their narrating life was short, their efforts in collecting and recording documents of that period is lasting in the sacred defense history."

This 912 pages book has six chapters and each chapter with interviewees that according to the theme of that chapter talked about their observations; Chapter One: Mofid School (Part One: Mofid Middle School, Part II: Mofid High School, Part III: Those Days, Part IV: Bunch of Comrades, Part V: Student Dispatch, Part VI: The First Field, Part VII: Sadeq Shaheed, Part VIII: and Lesson), Chapter Two: Holy Defense (Part I: Both Front and Lesson, Part II: Kheibar Operation, Part III: Sir Teachers, Part IV: Badr Operation, Part V: Club of Fathollah Gharib, Part VI: Operation Valfajar-8, Part VII: Student Dispatch, Part VIII: Hussein's Martyrdom, Part IX: That Memorial Film, Part X: The Last Dispatch, Part XI: After The Martyrdom), Chapter Three: Narrating, Chapter Four: martyr Hussein Jalaypour, Chapter Five: martyr Mohsen Feiz, Chapter VI: martyr Hamid Salehi.

In his introduction to the book, Morteza Ghazi writes about how this work was created and interviewed, and explained process of the chapters: "The first part narrates adolescence of bunch of Mofid School guys in eight parts. The Second chapter addresses after ending high school, entering into university and attending in the sacred defense until martyrdom of the martyrs, and mood of remaining guys after martyrdom of their comrades. The third chapter specifically addresses context and the way in which the three historian and narrator martyrs entered the Office for War Studies and Research. The important final part of this chapter is matter of "Martyrs as narrated by documents". Narrative of this part is one of initiatives which I used for rationalization of remained documents, reports, and audio tapes of the three historian and narrator martyrs, and this method has been used about rationalization of written and audio documents of historians and narrators of the Office for War Studies and Research. The method of rationalization is as follows: Since during narrating of the three martyrs, no one was beside them, and so it was not possible to use narration of the first narrator, after consulting with officials of the center, I decided by using mood and points which I received through remained documents and audio types of the martyrs during their narrating work to select a third person narrator to describe martyr's narrating activity, and without applying imagination and storytelling I only narrate events that occurred for the historian and narrator; and of course, in midst of this third person narrative, I used original text of manuscripts and reports that the martyr had written in the narrator's notebook so that contact accompanies the narrator and his workspace. These parts which are precisely text of manuscript of martyr are marked in different font without any manipulation. In the first three chapters, beginning of each part has an introduction as inputs of each part and familiarizes audience with mood of memoirs of that part and, with a slightly more general view, identifies position of that part in relation to other parts of the book. The last three chapters of the book are narrative of life of the three martyrs separately and individually, and in each of them main narratives are the martyrs' brothers and mothers."

The fourth book of collection of "Historians and Narrators of Battle Scenes", though compiled for concern of introducing the three martyrs' narrators [[1]], has also addressed origins of these narrators. This origin is seen from two angles, a society that they came out of that in the last years of life, namely Mofid School and comrades that being among them, this rise became notable and influential; so half of the book introduces these origins and fellows. The fellows spoke both about themselves, and school and the martyr narrators of the book, as well as on other the holy defense martyrs and warriors of Mofid School. The book's photos also contribute to this written narrative, and their collection reveals and clears a narrative of relation of an education department in the 1980s with the holy defense.

Narratives of the fourth book of series of "Historians and Narrators of Battle Scenes" are numerous and pointful, and result of an effort that a few researchers and publishers to produce and publish it. I wish there was, at least, an index that would provide a view of the book information and show its scholarly aspect.


Related texts:


Hoveyzeh Was A Big Change And A Training Center For Me

The Night of the High School’s Martyrs

The Guys of Mofid School


[1] Like three former volumes of the series; "Martyr Mohammad-Reza Maleki" and "Companion: A Narrative of Life of Veteran Martyr Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi" by Majid Sankohan and "Historians and Narrators of Battle Scenes; Third book; Martyr Narrators: Mohammad-Taghi Rezvani, Saeed Isavand, Hossein Allahdad " by Fatemeh Vafayizadeh.


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