Commemoration of Ayatollah Taleghani in the Ebrat museum of Iran

Taleghani Was Cultivator, Anti-Imperialist and Idealist

Reported by Maryam Rajabi
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


As reported by Iranian Oral History Website, a ceremony titled ''The 37th Anniversary ‎Commemoration of Abuzar of the time, Ayatollah Taleghani'' was held in Ebrat Museum of ‎Iran in the evening Friday, September 9, 2016.‎
In the ceremony, Mohammadmehdi Abdekhodaee, a member of Fada'iyan-e Islam, Seyed ‎Mehdi Taleghani, Ayatollah Taleghani's boy, and Qasem Tabrizi, expert and researcher of ‎contemporary Iran history, made speech about a man who struggled against despotism and ‎colonialism for a lifetime and his effort and endeavor was in order to freedom and ‎emancipation of humans.‎
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Holding two grand projects in the Ebran Museum
In the beginning, Qasem Hasanpoor, Ebrat's Editor -in- Chief, welcomed gusts and ‎commemoration of memory of Ayatollah Taleghani, meanwhile announced holding two grand ‎projects in the setting; '' initiating hallway of history since Constitutional age to victory of ‎Islamic Revolution by using art language'' and ''publishing memories of political prisoners ‎before the revolution in the form of biography story.'' ‎
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He wished Quran culture to be existed in the society
Then Abdekhodaee, as the first lecturer, explained atmosphere of the age of campaign: ''after ‎September 1941, there were three groups who intended overturn foundations of religion in ‎Iran society: 1) Anti-theists (Tudeh Party members and Communists) 2) the irreligious 3) ‎Anti- Shiites (Ahmad Kasravi). There were oppositely three other groups: 1) cultivator ‎‎(founder: the deceased Ayatollah Borujerdi) 2) Anti-colonialist (lead by Ayatollah Kashani) ‎‎3) Idealist (martyr Navvab Safavi).''‎
‎ He mentioned two main features of Ayatollah Taleghani, Anti-oppressiveness and chivalry, ‎and continued as followed: Ayatollah Taleghani was cultivator, anti-colonialist and idealist. ‎He was cultivator because after September 1941 he was the first person who posed ‎interpretation of Quran and wished Quran culture to be existed in the society. He was anti-‎colonialist because when he was questioned about republication of Allamah Naini's book and ‎writing introduction about them, he answered now is despotism, it should be cleared that ‎what is a shite Marja' perception on freedom. He was idealist because he supported idealists.‎
‎ In the following, Mohammadreza Azimi, read a poem for audiences on the occasion of death ‎anniversary of Ayatollah Taleghani and then a film about meeting of headquarter members of ‎commemoration for Ayatollah Taleghani with Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of ‎the Revolution, was broadcasted. His speech about Ayatollah Taleghani was this: ''he usually ‎made new religious-driven ideas and with more focus on Quran and Nahj al-Balagha …. ‎Another facet of Taleghani that in my idea shouldn't be forgotten was his sincerity. The man ‎was so sincere and honest and openhearted in greetings that everyone was astonished of the ‎much purity…. .''‎
Then Seyed Mehdi Taleghani talked about his father relation, especially in age of exile, with ‎family and that how he, at the childhood, would go to see his father and take declarations ‎and distribute them.‎

A Fighter Who Struggled by Pen and Utterance
In continuation, Qasem Tabrizi came on stage to made his speech and stated: Ayatollah ‎Taleghani was the prominent features of our history, tasted oppression in era of Reza khan ‎‎_1939_the same prison (place of Ebrat Museum) and as Khomeini stated he spent his era from ‎a prison to another and of an exile to another exile.‎
After the introduction, he shortly counted features of Ayatollah Taleghani: ‎
‎-‎ He was a prominent clergy who played an effective role in the contemporary history;‎
‎-‎ Interpreter of Quran and explainer of Nahj al-Balaghe, who believed that by bringing ‎the books into the society,  advancement and transcendence of the society would be ‎sured;‎
‎-‎ He was a fighter clergy who spent all of his life in struggle against Reza khan and his ‎boy's despotism and never tired in confront of despotism.‎
‎-‎ A main preacher who all of his statements in his lifelong, both in terms of content and ‎style of speech, were worthy;‎
‎-‎ Teacher of school Sepahsalar and translator of Nahj al-Balaghe and … Congregational ‎Imam of Hedayat Mosque since 1948 to his death;‎
‎-‎ A fighter who struggled ominous triangle of international Capitalism, Communism ‎and Zionism by pen and utterance;‎
‎-‎ Defender of Anti-colonialist movements of the World especially the Movement of ‎Kashmir Muslims, Egypt Muslims and specifically Palestine and making a role in ‎contemporary Iran movements, the nationalization of the Iran oil industry movement ‎and Imam Khomeini movement.‎

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Ayatollah Taleghani as Narrated by SAVAK's Documents
The expert and researcher of contemporary history added: '' because of the features that were ‎mentioned, he was one important case of SAVAK; the sentiment aggravated when his ‎relation with Fada'iyan-e Islam was started since 1955. The information is published in three ‎volumes book titled ''Hazrat Ayatollah Taleghani Narrated by SAVAK's Documents''. The ‎first document is about the meeting of two Egyptian doctors and students with him in ‎Hedayat Mosque. They arrested him during onset of Iran-Egypt disputes and were looking ‎for his hidden relation with Egyptians but were not succeeded. ‎
The volume I documents content is mainly subjects about colonialism of Britain, USA, and ‎international Zionism. In his idea, Pahlavi rule was consistently depended to colonialism, and ‎generally addressing government he treated colonialism as the factor of Iran backwardness. ‎Referring Tobacco Protest in which Mirza Shirazi stood against colonialism and it was ‎preliminary step of Constitutional Revolution, he argued rising Communism in the region was ‎due to colonialism of Britain
The volume II documents content, starts since 1964, in fact restated age of arrestment and ‎prisoning of Ayatollah Taleghain. The volume III documents content is also about Hedayat ‎Mosque that in absence of Ayatollah Taleghani, Ayatollah Zanjani and Mohamadtaqi Shariati ‎were Congregational Imam.''‎
Tabrizi added: ''Ayatollah Taleghai would also interpret Quran in jail and send it out covertly ‎and publish. He also made lecture about Imam Zaman(1) ‎ (era) as future of human based on our ‎school.‎
When he was exiled Zabol he was sent Saravan penitentiary because of large-scale ‎acclamation of people and Shite, after that he was exiled Kerman because of Security reasons ‎and he finally came Tehran and started struggle more strongly''.‎
In ceremony of '' The 37th Anniversary Commemoration of Abuzar of the time, Ayatollah ‎Taleghani'' who was held in Ebrat Museum of Iran in the evening Friday, September 9, 2016, ‎international vocal group of Asra operated a song. As well as, detainment card of Ayatollah ‎Taleghani during Pahlavi regime, as a history document, was symbolically awarded his son in a ‎large version as a commemoration and was distributed among guests who were of political ‎prisoners before the revolution and their families as a memorial.‎


(1) Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdī (Arabic: ‎محمد بن الحسن المهدی‎‎) (Persian: ‎امام زمان‎‎) is believed by Twelver Shī‘a ‎Muslims to be the Mahdī, an ultimate savior of humankind and the final Imām of the Twelve Imams who will ‎emerge with Isa (Jesus Christ) in order to fulfill their mission of bringing peace and justice to the world

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