Bulletin of the International Oral History Association

30 May 2011

From the Editors
After our fantastic meeting in Prague, we give a warm welcome to Buenos Aires, the host city for our next meeting in 2012

From the President
For the first time as a new president of IOHA I wish to extend a warm welcome to everyone and wish you success in your future endeavours, not only in our association but also in your personal and working life. Good luck and plenty of optimism in future years! Read more...

On our IOHA Conference in Prague. 
The World of Words | Future Conferences and Meetings
ARGENTINA17th International Oral History Association Conference.AUSTRALIA Communities of Memory – OHAA Biennial Conference.

Face to Face | Oral History Meetings
ARGENTINA Interview with the historian Giovanni Levi. PANAMA Exploring Identities through Life Stories.

From Page to Mouth | Oral History Projects
ARGENTINA Oral History Programme: “Educational Roots”. SPAINThe Valencian Oral Memory Archive.

From Mouth to Page | Books and Journals
ARGENTINA Methodological Foundations for Reconstructing the Past Through Diversity.

Put it in Writing
Words and Silences the journal of the IOHA, is seeking contributions for the 20010 issue, articles, reviews of books, films, plays or other performances or exhibits that rely on oral history. | Contribute to the IOHA Newsletter.


Number of Visits: 4893
