SOHA Conference 2011
15 March 2011
The Southwest Oral History Association is proud to announce preliminary plans for our next annual meeting. The 2011 SOHA Conference will be held March 31-April 3, 2011 in Downtown Los Angeles, California.
2011 Southwest Oral History Association (SOHA) Annual Conference
Japanese American Cultural & Community Center
Los Angeles, California
March 31-April 3, 2011
Register online now!
Visualizing Oral History…Final Cuts, Many Uses
Submission Deadline: November 1, 2010
The Southwest Oral History Association invites proposals for presentations at its 2011 annual meeting to be held March 31-April 3, 2011 in Downtown Los Angeles, California. The theme “Visualizing Oral History: Final Cuts, Many Uses" seeks to generate discussion around the varied uses of oral history and the multiple formats in which they appear. Please continue to check here for updated information. Registration for the conference will be open on February 1st. We strongly encourage you to submit proposals.
Registration Form| Register Online (a small fee is added)
Preliminary Program
Hotel Information
The Miyako Hotel Los Angeles offers SOHA attendees a $99 + tax rate which can be upgraded free of charge to an Executive Room on an upper floor. The hotel is located in Downtown Los Angeles at 328 E. 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Send an email to on the subject line, Attn: SOHA reservation. Please include: name as it appears on credit card, dates of arrival and departure, your contact phone #, and your credit card info. The reservation desk will call back to finalize the transaction.
southwest oralhistory
Number of Visits: 5741