National Oral History Association of New Zealand Conference

27 November 2010

Oral History in the 21st Century:
Voices of Identity in a Globalised World
National Oral History Association of New Zealand
Conference 2011
2-3 April 2011
Rotorua, Ne Zealand

Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Micheal H. Frisch
University of Buffalo, USA
(*subject to outcome of funding application)

Lorina Barker
University of New England, Australia

Conference Themes:
Indigenous Voices
In recent decades, indigenous peoples have been rediscovering and asserting their cultures and identities. How is oral history contributing to this process of change, particularly for Mäori, Aboriginal and Pacific Island peoples?

Identity and Change
Oral History is often about aspects of identity and often involved reflections on change-whether a local history, the story of a social movement, or an individual’s life experience. How are these aspects being explored?

How are new technologies being used to make oral history more accessible and what are the implications revolve around digital technology, including web-based oral history databanks, website-published material and e-books.

Registration Information:
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National Oral History Association of New Zealand
Conference 2011

*Since the closing date for proposals was 31 October 2010.

National Oral History Association of New Zealand
Number of Visits: 5645