Paying a Hefty Recompense for a Telegraph

Compiled by: Islamic Revolution Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


In 1977, Iran was ruled by a severe crisis. In this year, Haj Mustafa Khomeini - Imam's son - died in Najaf under mysterious circumstances. His death caused a deep sadness among the people, which turned into assemblies full of anger, dissatisfaction and protest against the ruling power.

After receiving the news of Haj Mustafa's death, we planned to take the necessary stand in Mashhad. I [Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei] went to the post and telegraph office and prepared four telegrams; One in my name, another in the name of Mr. Tabasi, the third in the name of Mr. Mahami, and the fourth in the name of Mr. Hasheminejad.

When I posted the telegrams to the postman, he was amazed and showed them to his friends. As a result, an atmosphere of astonishment enveloped the employees; because the text of the condolence telegrams - which included honoring the Imam's person and deep sympathy with him - had belligerent expressions towards the ruling power. The postal worker thought that I would give up when he told me the cost of communication; But I surprised him by paying a thousand toman [Iranian currency] bill - which was a heavy amount for people like me.[1]


[1] The blood of a heart that became cold, compiled by Mohammad Ali Azarshab, translated by Mohammad Hossein Batmanghlich, Tehran, Islamic Revolution Publication, 2018, p. 273.


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