The 353rd Session of Memory Night-1

Adjusted by Leyla Rostami
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


Narrated by the line-breaker divers of Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) Battalion of the 10th Division of Seyyed al-Shohada (PBUH) in the 4th and 5th operations of Karbala, the 353rd session of memory night was held in Hozeh Honari of Engelab-e Eslami, Sooreh Amphitheater on December 28, 2023. In this meeting, Hajj Ahmad Ghasemi, Vahid Marandi, and Vahid Masdari shared their memories. Also, there was book launch of “Higher than Height” written by Zahra Zamani. This book contains narratives of life of the disabled veteran and Azadeh (the liberated prisoner of the war) commander, Martyr Majid Davoodi Rasakh. Davood Salehi was in charge of this session.




The first narrator of memory night was Ahmad Ghasemi, the commander of Hazrat Zainab’s (PBUH) Al-Hadid Company, who participated in the holy defense fronts in 1986 at the age of 17. At the beginning of his memoirs, he said, “During the imposed war, there were always situations where the high-ranking commanders of the war would decide how to conduct operations. The area of Operation Karbala-5 was a water-land area and it was necessary to use divers. The diver warriors did not know anything at first. They told us that firstly we should learn to swim in the special cold and hot weather, then diving and then combat training. The night of the operation came. The warriors were in good mood. First, they ordered us to be in the first line. We left around 6 p.m. and reached the front line about an hour later. The enemy saw us from the left side. I ordered the troops to stay in the trenches so that this operation would not be exposed, like Operation Karbala-4.

He noted, “When they put the map of the operation in front of me, I saw that we have the worst conditions to carry out the operation. Installing Rasit radar[1] by the enemy, which did not even overlook flight of a bird, the mines that had already been left in the area, and inundation had caused their movement and sensitivity; moreover, the presence of obstacles such as octagonal [kellies] or the same solar metal rods had caused passing more difficult. The guys weren't even allowed to throw their wetsuits over their trenches and had to keep them hidden. Due to some problems, the dinner, which was cooked rice with pieces of meat, was delivered to us in a freezer bag. After eating, they ordered to do the operation. Hajj Asadi and Mr. Rastgo said, “You must enter the water at 8 [night].” I also called the platoon commander and said, “We want to enter the water at 8 p.m. Get the guys ready.” I also told the wireless operators to adjust the frequencies of their devices. The distance between us and the enemy was 3 kilometers, and we had to swim this route with wetsuits.

He went on to say about the spiritual and bright point of his memory in the war, “After justifying the commander of platoons and wireless operators, I appealed to Mrs. Hazrat Zahra (pbuh). I did not know about the operation code. I said, “Ma'am, I don't know anything. May you protect these guys and help us.” I appealed to Hazrat Zahra (pbuh) until it was time to leave. We crossed the front line[2] and entered the water. The water was up to our waists. We were ordered to change the operation time. We returned to the trenches until the next orders arrived. I collected the wireless operators and told them to check the frequencies. If the frequencies were changed, we would not be able to communicate with other ranks. We had a wireless communication for connecting the platoons with the company commander and the company commander had a communication with the battalion commander. If these connections were not established, many things would have happened in the region. To my surprise, the wireless operators suddenly said, “The frequencies have been changed.” The only person who came to my mind and I appealed to her again was Mrs. Fatemeh Zahra (pbuh). The wireless operators were able to set the frequency and left. I thanked the lady. I shed tears and bowed in gratitude. Hajj Khadem al-Husseini recited the verse “and the God is the best protector” in my ear and said, “Enter the water at 10 p.m.”

In the final part of his speech, the narrator said, “The fifth column of the hypocrites had poured detergent in the food in the kitchen of the army, which caused food poisoning and high diarrhea of the fighters. In this difficult situation, we entered the water and reached the gathering point of the forces. The time has come to separate the platoons from the company. The goal was to seize 3 ambushes of "Tavakkul-1”, “Tavakkul-2” and “Tavakkul-3”. Suddenly we noticed a shot from the right side. I didn't know the operation had started or it was a harassment attack! The enemy fired heavier, but we were not ordered to attack the line. The first platoon moved, then the second, and behind it the third platoon. The first platoon conquered the ambush of “Tavakkul-1”, but the second platoon faced resistance of the enemy. Mud stuck in the guns and were no longer effective. We had no choice but to move forward; Because if we stood, we would be in the sight of the enemy. I should go to Imam Reza Square or the current Memorial of Karbala-5. Apologizing, I passed over the heads of the fighters and throw the first, second and third grenades; But the fourth grenade did not work. I crossed the barbed wire and solar mines and threw the fifth grenade into the trench. It exploded and heavy objects were thrown that hit me and my body benumbed. The bravery of Martyr Farhad Mehrabian made us succeed and conquer all three Tavakkul ambushes.


To be continued...


[1] Razit radars are a type of ground surveillance radars that have a range of 40 kilometers and are capable of detecting moving targets in all weather conditions.

[2] The front edge of the battle area is called Lajman (لجمن) in Persian.

Number of Visits: 288