Treatment of the Wounded on 7 September

Compiled by: Iranian Revolution Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


The injured people of the incident [7 September of 1978, Tehran] were taken by the people to the house of the late Dr. Vaezi, located in the head of Rouhi alley. Together with Ms. Azam Taleghani, we put some of the injured women in the van and took them to Dr. Vaezi's house, whose office was also there, and he started treatment. A large number of committed doctors, including Dr. Fayyaz Bakhsh, who was a friend of Dr. Vaezi, as soon as they learned about the incident, had brought themselves to Dr. Vaezi's office to treat the injured, and almost a complete medical team had been formed. Some of the injured were treated and discharged. The lack of cotton, sterile gauze and dressing bandages was evident. Together with Ms. Azam Taleghani, I went to nearby houses and around there to get white cloth and band. People offered everything they had, even their sheets, and soon enough treatment equipment was provided. When we went to the doctor's house, Mrs. Dr. Vaezi was very tired and upset and stated: "Three suspicious men have entered the house and settled on the upper floor and are walking around. I have asked them what they are doing, but they did not say anything and did not introduce themselves; apparently, they are forces of SAVAK!” I went upstairs and asked: "What are you doing here?" They said: "There are two armed soldiers standing in the alley, they stop regularly, so we have taken refuge here and it is dangerous for us to leave the house in this situation." I said: "Stay while I arrange your exit." I said to Mrs. Vaezi: "Prepare a bowl of cold syrup so that in this hot weather I can take it to the soldiers in charge of control and convince them to allow these two people to leave." Cool water syrup came and I took it to the patrol soldiers and offered it to them. The weather was very hot and the soldiers were thirsty. They were happy with my action and drank the cool syrup. I told them: "Two brothers are present in this house of ours, and now that this situation of conflict and shooting has happened, they are afraid that they will be shot and they are stuck here and cannot go to their house." Please move away from the alley for a few moments so that they can get away from here." The soldiers accepted and moved a long way from the head of the alley. I went back to the doctor's house and told those three people that the soldiers left the alley, now you can use the opportunity and leave immediately. They looked at each other, but they couldn't come up with an excuse and say anything, they had to leave the doctor's house. Their appearance and behavior showed that they are SAVAK and they used fear as an excuse. With the departure of the Savakis, the wounded who were there felt safe and their treatment was done easily. Some of them even spent the night at the doctor's house; In fact, the late Dr. Vaezi's house became a treatment and first aid center for the wounded on 7th of September, and Dr. Vaezi and Dr. Fayaz Bakhsh, with the help of the people, treated the wounded and those affected by this incident and performed a valuable service.

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