Importance of Narrator Tone in Implementation

Seyedeh Tahereh Moayedi
Translated by Ruhollah Golmoradi


In order to better understand meaning and tone of the narrator, the author must be precise in ordinary people's conversation, speech, and dialogue.  For example, when you go to Bazaar, be more careful to hear normal conversations and actions and verbal reactions of people that are going on; like a surprise reaction.

In implementation, we must respect the narrator's tone and expression, and be faithful to it. One of the advantages of bringing the narrator's tone into the text is that it makes difference between the characters in the story and therefore its attractiveness. The same is true of some other words. For example, in using the word "no", when someone wants to oppose something, they say "no" firmly. But someone else uses the word "no" as a surprise and a question (no?!). It is true that in the answer to both, the word "no" is mentioned, but their meaning is different, and here is the narrator's tone that let get everything clear for the audience and clarifies meaning of the word.

People may hide in their words their literacy, or that where they come from. You may have encountered people that you, in the first few minutes of their conversation, notice level of their literacy and some other features.

As you know, Mantua is the same cover that is used in hospitals. In some of these centers, there may be coloring for differentiation personnel. But sometimes it has also been seen that, for example, the ward cleaner, nurse and even the specialist doctor all use white gowns and Mantua. When a person visits the hospital, because of similarity of the cover, they may call everyone Miss doctor in the first meet. But when he/she speaks closely to each of them, he/she finds that his audience is a nurse, doctor or hospital cleaning officer. So, most of the time, after the person speaking, we will understand his or her qualities. Because human beings in their speech transfer different characteristics such as their age, literacy and even their gender characteristics, etc.

According to the above, you must have realized importance of a perfect and comprehensive implementation. If the implementer ignores the aforementioned points, and does not respect the truth in implementing and is unfaithful about the existing truth, surely parts of the content will be lost here, and if a part is also lost due to the author's writing, it will cause more ambiguity in the text, and the audience will be confused, bored, and ultimately away from the book.

Sometimes you may read a story that introduces a less educated person at first. It is possible to think of yourself by reading a few chapters, for example, this speech and text is unlikely from a less educated person! But when you follow up and read the book until the end, you realize, these memories are from previous years, and now that person has a university education and a social position. so, he has expressed his memories with today's language and knowledge. That's why differences can be felt well in a perfect and faithful implementation.

Another important point in writing and implementing is use of punctuation marks that we need to know and use according to sentences. For example, the surprise sentence differs from the surprise- interrogative sentence and interrogative sentence, which this difference should be conveyed in writing and implementation using punctuation marks.

They teach implementer of interviews to write the tone you feel in parentheses. For example, when the narrator arrives at a particular memory, he/she gulps and continues with a tone of gulp. Here, a faithful and careful implementer expresses gulping of the narrator in parentheses so that the reader understands the narrator's feelings about different memories. If the narrator's gulp is not felt or expressed, for example, the reader may think narrator is harsh-hearted. While through writing the narrator's emotions in parentheses, the reader will notice change in feelings of the narrator from the expression of memories. Therefore, if the narrator shows feelings in expressing his/her memoirs, the implementer is obliged to include those feelings in parentheses. In general, people who listen well recognize people's personality differences through tone of people’s speech.

The tone of some people is a mocking tone. For example, some teachers may treat students in this tone. Sometimes they don't believe that a poor student also can learn the lesson well. They constantly punish the student with their tone. When you talk to these teachers and ask why they behave in this way, they justify and say, "I provoked them so that to study! the tone of these teachers is part of their character, as the person whose tone is a tone of despair, this tone has become part of his/her character."

In the past, a children's program was televised called "Gulliver's Journeys.". There were positive and negative characters in the cartoon. The negative character of this cartoon, Glum, had a hopeless catchword that he repeated in a certain tone and in every situation, saying, "I know our goose is cooked. We’ll never make it.” The character was always frustrated and wanted to instill frustration into the group. There was a positive character in front of him called Flirtacia, who always excitedly encouraged the group to try and move forward.

The purpose of bringing this cartoon example is to emphasize and advise those who have seen Gulliver's cartoon well, if you are a teacher, an artist, a researcher, a writer, or whatever, your mood should be Flirtacia's positive spirit and distance yourself from Mr. Glam's negative spirit. The negative tone of the characters should also be precisely brought into the text and felt by the audience.

Proper use of multiple narrators

As we said, the author must be honest with the audience. What appears on the cover of book should be in accordance with its content. When a text goes ahead with one narrator, on the cover, we use the title "a Narration." But when we in our discretion use two narrators or more to express memories, we use the term "narratives" in line with loyalty and conformity of the cover and content. Sometimes we interview with several narrators to collect memories. But at the time of implementation, we may feel that each person's said material is complete and valuable lonely and separately, or cannot be conveyed into memories of the other, which can be brought into in one's narrative, so it must come independently. The plan and format of writing are different for one narrator and several narrators. Because we have two different angles of view. When we use two or more narrators in a book, we should not use this this title for propaganda, in slogan mode, etc. and say, for example, "Others according to the wife's narration."  Rather, we need to connect the content with the proper link, and by writing a good text, this change of narrator should be presented in a way that the narrator can understand him/herself change of the narrator.

In some stories, except for the original narrator, other people, including their family or colleagues, can be interviewed in order to address different aspects of the person's life. Therefore, it is ok to use multiple narrators. But the problem that may arise in this case is that it may be a little difficult for the writer to choose the main narrative. If the author decides him/herself to be narrator of the book, this is also good, but the issue here is that the reader should not feel that the narrator is non-intimate and does not call his/her bluff for him. The narrator should not talk around. The reader should know who is the narrator. So, in this regard, the author should be a little free-handed and recognize himself to the reader, so that his expression becomes intimate and insincere. In this case, the reader will be assured that by reading that book, all the necessary information will be provided to him.

The serious consideration that needs to be taken into account is: in order for an interview to succeed, the narrative must be heartfelt, i.e., your degree of intimacy and empathy with that narrator should be quite evident. So, the researcher and writer who advance investigative, the more his/her heartfelt to the subject in his/her narrative to be obvious, the better attraction happens to the reader. In fiction, people have been able to leave lasting narratives with which they have lived and they have replaced the subjects with themselves.[1]


[1] From the session of Compilation and Adjusting Oral History taught by Mohammad Ghasemipour on Saturday, September 7, 2019.

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