Review of the book "Behavior in Prudence"

Taking a look at the Political and Social Life of Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Hadi Barikbin

Fereydoun Heydari Molkmian
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


On the cover of the book, it is written: "The present book is a narration of the past life of a religious-political person in the Qazvin region; one who led the Friday Imamate in Qazvin for more than three decades; Hajj Sheikh Hadi Barikbin who had experienced two lifestyles as a child. The ritual and policy of Iranian life in the urban society in which Mr. Hadi was raised there was a strong connection between this model and Iranian identity. At that time, the ruling that had suspiciously seized power in Iran made people believe in an illusory belief that in order to achieve progress and development, they would abandon their native way and follow a so-called modern style of life".

After a short and concise note " Words for the Reader" at the beginning of the book, which is given by the Office of Culture and Sustainability Studies of Qazvin’s Arts Center, the author in "Introduction" points out that "in this work, he intends to make the process of effort or "Read the plan, choice, decision, and action in Islamic management based on the Islamic, Iranian, and revolutionary methods in the Muslim world." Then, he introduces the contents of book.

Chapter One: Self-made and revolutionary personality in the all-encompassing movement of Imam Khomeini

The first chapter covers the years 1951 to 1977 (which unfortunately is incorrectly recorded 1396 in the title of the book and also at the foot of all pages of this chapter, which begins with an introduction to Hajj Sheikh Hadi Barikbin. Then a Barikbin’s acquaintance with Imam Khomeini is discussed, and with the mention of some important issues, it reaches the year 1977, which coincides with hope of light in the dark. "At that time, Iranian society was encountered with events and was going to light the torch of revolution in society with a spark. Yes, something was on the way ... people were ready to hear revolutionary and anti-regime statements In Qazvin; "These words were SAVAK red line statements." (Page 41)

Chapter 2: Occurring, upbringing, and the path of struggle

This chapter, which focuses on the years 1930 to 1978, referring to the Barikbin family and his childhood, discusses his education in public schools to seminaries and continued his education in Najaf Ashraf: "Finally, Sheikh Hadi returned to Qazvin from Najaf with full of science and knowledge in the summer of 1958. At Al-Tafatiyah School, he taught beginners the book "factors and fringes". He also taught "Suyuti and Ma'alim" to some students. "Of course, he taught short courses for a number of students while in Qom." (Page 63)

He then got married and made a family: "Sheikh Hadi came to Qazvin from Najaf to get married and in Qazvin and returning to continue his education in Najaf." (P. 63). However, "during the preparations for the marriage in Qazvin, a coup took place in Iraq, and the Iraqi military staged a coup against the monarchy, and the republican system replaced the monarchy. After these events in Iraq, it seems that the traffic borders between the two countries will be closed and it will be temporarily impossible to go to Najaf. The bride and groom decide to go to Qom after the wedding. The bride's parents also agree that the two live in the city of Qom. As the turmoil in Iraq continues, Sheikh Hadi will inevitably stop traveling to Atbat and decide to emigrate to the seminary in Qom for a second time to continue his education. They started living together in Qom." (Page 66)

The book then briefly addresses some other issues such as Marja'iyat after the demise of Grand Ayatollah Boroujerdi, the seminary and clergy in Qazvin, the incident of Faizieh school in Qom, the government's attempt to infiltrate the clergy, the revival of seminaries in Qazvin, the election of Marjaiyat and the promotion of Imam's universality, Barikbin’s political struggles in the 1970s, relationship with Youth and Adolescents, clergymen's approach to the Pahlavi Regime, the exile of Sheikh Hadi Barikbin from Qazvin, Barikbin’s Returns to Qazvin in continuation of the movement, printing, and distribution of lectures and tapes, revolutionary management at the university, gathering and aggregation in university, the welcoming committee the hope of the arrival of the Imam.

Chapter Three: The Islamic Republic; Continuation of Imamate of Qazvin Friday

This chapter deals with the years 1978 to 2015. First, the formation of Islamic institutions such as the Revolutionary Committee, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, the Office of Islamic Propaganda, Jihad Construction, and the Islamic Republic Party are mentioned. Then, there is talk of Sheikh Hadi Barikbin's relationship with the seminary of Qazvin, Qazvin and the Assembly of Constitutional Experts, Mr. Barikbin's position against Bani Sadr, the Imam's order to Mr. Barikbin for Friday prayers and other issues until Sheikh Hadi accompanied the front and the war and even after the war. Also, the most important civil works of Ayatollah Barikbin during his responsibility are examined and his political movement after the revolution is considered. In the following, the event of Qazvin becoming a province and related issues until his hospitalization is mentioned. Thus, the third chapter ends with his resignation from the position of Qazvin Friday Imam.

Narrative / Memory

In this section, some members of Ayatollah Barikbin's family, as well as some people who were close to or in some way related to him, express simplicity, asceticism, piety, humility in character, rationality, and moderation in his personality and actions. In the end, there is an excerpt from the will of Ayatollah Barikbin: "... But then, one of the necessary traditions in Islam is will. Therefore, I, Hadi Barikubin, the son of Abu al-Qasim ... ask all the faithful brothers and sisters, especially the relatives and family, not to forget the Almighty God at all times and to help Islam. In sowing the seeds of action, they should strive rightly, quantitatively, and qualitatively, that we all live hereafter house with the result of our action. In this way and to reach this divine destination, the noble and life-giving book of the Qur'an, along with the tradition and manners of Hazrat Khatami Mortabat, Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH), and his family, innocent Imams (peace be upon them all), is the best guide ... "(p. 307 )

The bibliography with the appendix, which contains a significant number of documents and photographs, are the final part of the book.

The first edition of the book "Behavior in prudence " (taking a look at the political and social life of Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Hadi Barikbin), which was researched and written by Massoud Atashgaran for the Office of Culture and Sustainability Studies of Qazvin province published by Surah Mehr Publication (Related to the Art Center)in 360 pages and 1250 copies with a price of 75,000 Tomans in 2020.

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