Oral History News of March-April 2024

Compiled by: Iranian Oral History Website
Translated by: Fazel Shirzad


Note: According to Iran's Oral History website, "News of the Month" is the title of a series of reports on this website. These reports have a look at the news related to the topic of the site in written and virtual media. In the following, you will read news from April 2024.

►The book "Oral History Recording" written by Valeri Raleigh Yow and translated by Hossein Farahani was published by Surah Mehr Publication with a number of 500 copies and a price of 395,000 Tomans (Iranian currency). This book is a guide for humanities and social sciences (along with interview principles and methods).

►The unveiling ceremony of the book "Comparative Ethnography of Yazd Province" was held in the house of the engineer with the presence of lovers of Yazd history, culture and art. Professions and trades, carpet weaving, dialect and oral literature, dramatic games, festivals, music, art and ancient sports are among the sections of this book.

►The head of the Islamic Revolution Art Department of Golestan province while explaining the programs of the Islamic Revolution Art Week said: Our focus this year is to record oral history and in the next step, depending on the priority and capacity of the building, we will also produce them in the form of books, films or theater.

►The head of the Holy Defense Research and Documentation Center said: In a situation where about 80% of the main commanders of the Revolutionary Guards have told their memories and their oral histories have been taken and are gradually being published, I talked to Sardar Zahedi several times about the recording of oral histories and Sardar I also mediated Salami and Sardar Fadavi, but we did not become his opponent.

►The head of education in literature management of the General Directorate for the Preservation of Sacred Defense Works of Khorasan Razavi announced the holding of a writing workshop with the presence of prominent professors and writers of the province and focusing on interviews in oral history, principles and basics of memoir writing and principles and basics of story writing in Mashhadal Reza.

►The Young Journalists Club published a note entitled "History making" with "Oral History" by Ali Noorabadi, which was removed from the website of the Young Journalists Club website due to the reaction of the Center for Documents and Research of Holy Defense and the response of this center.

Number of Visits: 393


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