2nd Int'l Book of Resistance Festival calls for submissions

18 February 2013

The call for the 2nd International Book of Resistance Festival (Shahid Avini Literary Prize) is released. The festival is going to assess all submitted publications in 2011 and 2012 and award the superiors.

IBNA: Revayat Fath Publishing Institute will hold the second International Book of Resistance Festival to award Shahid Avini Literary Prize to the best literary work of the past two years.

Promotion of culture, language and literature of resistance, propagation of religious, national and revolutionary values, commemoration of eminent writers and researchers in this field, encouragement of upcoming young researchers, and elevation of international procedures involving Islamic Resistance at both qualitative and quantitative levels are the main goals of this festival.

The 2nd International Book of Resistance Festival will assess all publications in the past two years on resistance literature in five categories: documentary (memoir, report, biography, testament, interview, anthology), poetry (in all forms), fiction (novel, long story, short story, fictional biography), art (photography, screenplay, and visual arts), criticism and research (cultural, literary, artistic, political and social), softwar (cultural invasion, threats, national security, propaganda and mental war), and teens.

The main subjects of interest include: the origins of resistance in Islamic-Iranian culture, resistance in contmeproary history, Islamic Awakening, public resistance and the Islamic Revolution, resistance against international Zionism, the role of Jihad and martyrdom in resistance,… and the future of resistance.

Publishers and authors can take part in the festival by submitting three copies of their works to the secretariat of the 2nd International Book of Resistance Festival (Shahid Avini Literary Prize) located at Revayat Foundation, third floor, Vahdat dead end, North Hafez St., Karimkhan Zand Ave., Tehran, no later than June 21, 2013.

Iran Book News Agency (IBNA)
Number of Visits: 2777
