Shahba:Narratology overlooked in Iran

4 November 2012

Critics present at the session of evaluating “Narratives and narrators: a philosophy of stories” emphasized on the book’s significance as well as its fluent translation. During the session, Mohammad Shahba said that due to lack of sources Narratology has been overlooked in Iran.


During the session, Bahman Namvar Motlagh said: “Narration is a vital element in art and literature. Iran should use the world’s experience for learning narrations and the book can indeed help us as well.”

Talking about the book’s translation, Shahba said: “My professional field is film narratology and the field’s related sources and works are less in Iran.”

The book is a sequence to Currie’s “Image and mind: film, philosophy and cognitive science” which was released in Iran a few years ago. Moreover I am currently translating his “The nature of fiction”, Shahba added.

The Iranian translator added that the book’s translation was difficult since related works hadn’t been rendered in Iran previously.

Furthermore Morteza Babak Moen said: “In the field of narration, Narratives and narrators: a philosophy of stories” is a serious book. The author’s style is attractive and most of the pages hold different theories from noted scholars as well as the author’s description and analysis.”
The book’s translation is fluent he added.

In other news, Shahba added: ““Narratives and narrators: a philosophy of stories” is my 40th released translation. Moreover I always try to balance Arabic and Persian terms in my translations.”

Narratives and narrators argues that much of the pleasure of narrative communication depends on deep-seated and early developing tendencies in human beings to imitation and to joint attention, and imitation turns out to be the key to understanding such important literary techniques as free indirect discourse and character-focused narration.

The book also examines irony in narrative, with an emphasis on the idea of the expression of ironic points of view.

Gregory Currie is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Nottingham.

The Persian translation of “Narratives and narrators: a philosophy of stories” has been released in Iran in 1500 copies in 302 pages.

Iran Book News Agency (IBNA)
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