Oral History of Jalili Mosque

Writer: Parvin Ghodsizad
First Edition
Publication date: October 2004
Number of pages: 184
Price: 11000 Rial
Format: 14 by 21 centimeters
Number of published book: 1500

Jalili Mosque was one of the active centers for organizing fighters against the Pahlavi regime; So, SAVAK was worried about the activities that were done in the mosque and controlled them intensively.
Educational activities beside political ones were among the mosque’s activities. Social services and helping the poor were other activities of the mosque. In this text, the mosque activities have been investigated based on oral history of some mosque members in different fields of politics, education, and social services; the role of the activities in preparing the victory of Islamic Revolution is also analyzed. This way, a new aspect has been drawn for people who know the mosque as a place just for praying.

Translated by: fereshteh Keshani

Islamic Revolution Documents Center
Number of Visits: 5135
